
The Learning Gardens Childcare

Service Philosophy

The Learning Garden educators are in constant reflection and research, sharing conversations with each other about our service philosophy. It is what guides us and drives us. It is our yard stick for decision making and our pedagogical approach. Our service philosophy continues to evolve, and we reflect upon our unique community, drawing on the most recent research and literature regarding quality early childhood education and care. 

Courageous Culture

We are courageous in our belief that children are natural risk-takers and need opportunities to be challenged, both physically and mentally at their own pace. 

Research suggests that a play-based approach to learning is the most beneficial to a child’s development in the early years. We will have the courage to advocate and meet these integral requirements for play. Providing learning environments, interactions and planning that support play. 

We have the courage to get messy, contrary to societal expectations- believing in the importance of messy play and integrating the affordance of a multitude of sensory activities. Mud pies, magic potions and dancing in the rain are encouraged. 

We are courageous in ensuring children have access to active free play, ensuring children have autonomy to listen to their body’s needs and move freely between their indoor and outdoor environments. 

Sense of wonder  

We recognise that theory, literature and research in relation to Early Childhood Education and Care is ever evolving and commit ourselves to the continuous search for knowledge. 

Through using the ROSE Way planning framework, we provide a child-focused, inquiry-based curriculum supported by early childhood theory, practice and research. 

We believe educator and child move together in an intertwined relationship of partner and guide and that inspired listening, co-action and co construction of knowledge leads to discovery and learning in partnership. 

We believe the environment delivers messages to children and we consider the importance of our environment as the ‘third teacher’. 

Children are encouraged to explore their environment and express themselves through multiple paths and languages to convey their expressive, communicative, symbolic, cognitive, ethical, imaginative and relational thoughts and knowledge. 

Advocacy Through Partnership

We believe in the importance of upholding the rights of the child, moving from just loving children to respecting them and actively advocating for these rights. 

We aim to authentically and respectfully connect with our local First Nations community and build a respectful, reciprocal relationship where the voices of our First Nations community members will be actively listened to, represented and advocated for. 

In recognition that parents and families of children are their first and most important and influential teachers, we will continue to build reciprocal and respectful partnerships with our families. 

Our vision is to ensure our service is accessible and inclusive to all families within our wider community. We believe education and care is based on inter-relationships and will endeavour to make connections and build partnerships with our community where possible. 

We believe that the language we use is powerful. We will use language with the intent of always being respectful and empowering to others. 

Research continues to highlight the importance of the early years and access to high quality early education and care services to form a strong foundation for lifelong learning. We will advocate for early years development and the professionalism within our sector. 

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